8/7/2020  Airwaves Editor

Finding good people is hard; making a great hire is really hard! Let the Airwaves Career Center experts help you navigate through the process and land you with your next great employee. We have 30 + years industry experience and a great track record.
With the Airwaves Consulting package, you get the Sail1Design team's vast experience to help you locate the right candidates. It is a recurring $499 per 3 months, renewed every three months until a candidate is named.

  • S1D Employment/Career Center Consultant on call for consultation with exclusive access. Discuss with you your goals, and timing. Sail1Design has 35 years of sailing management/coaching/consulting experience, and the right connections to make a difference for your hiring needs.
  • Help edit/improve your Job ad. We listen to you, and work very hard to find a candidate that will work for your unique needs, hopes, and expectations.
  • Work to produce candidates for interview
  • Consult with you on candidates background and potential
  • Your job ad will be placed in our featured section on our job home page exclusively, and consistently
To learn more and to activate, please email editor@sail1design or call 443-220-2089.