The Plymouth Yacht Club has a very active junior sailing program available to both club members and non-members alike. In 1988, a full-time clubhouse manager was added to the staff of the Plymouth Yacht Club; the steward focused on waterfront activities. The sailing program for youngsters grew through the 1990s, developing winning sailors in competition with other clubs, including the International 420 regatta hosted at PYC in 1999. The interest of many PYC members in larger cruising sailboats has led to a growing Performance Handicap Racing Fleet;
skippers of these boats have offered “big boat” experience to sailing students. An evening program of sailing instruction for adults was launched in 1996. Another new program called “First Wave” started in 1995 for youngsters who are not ready for sailing lessons, familiarizing them with the waterfront and safety regulations. The popularity of this program led to the introduction of the “Second Wave” providing two levels of pre-sailing programs. We have the following open positions: