With this selection, you have 18 months to place 10 independent job ads. Save a bunch and have 10 open, independent job listings on Sail1Design!
Do you have changing needs, and want to be able to edit and re-post new ads over the course of a year? This option is a lot more fluid than the Job Pack. It allows employers to have up to 5 jobs running at any time during the subscription start/end date. You can have 5 running, stop one, and run a new one as long as you don’t exceed 5 running at the same time. This subscription is open for one full year!
This package includes featured ads, and for the tactical it allows jobs to continually be re-sent to the top of our busy job board list!
Have changing needs and want to be flexible with your ads? This option is a little more fluid than the Job Pack. It allows employers to have up to 10 jobs running at any time during the subscription start/end date. You can have 10 running, stop one, and run a new one as long as you don’t exceed 10 running at the same time. The 10 Job Subscription runs for 12 months!
With this package, you get the Sail1Design team's vast experience to help you locate the right candidates. It is a recurring $599 per 3 months, renewed every three months until a candidate is named. This package is designed for full-time professional positions.
This ad will run continuously on Sail1Design for 90 days. You are allowed ten photos, a video, and a URL link to your organization's website.