Employment Pricing

Pricing Plans for Employers

Package Plans for Posting Multiple Jobs
Sail1Design 5-JOB PACK $229.00
This option offers employers 5 job ads on Sail1Design. You have one calendar year to run these 5 ads.
This tracks how many jobs have been run. If you have several openings, this is cost-effective way to get them all proper exposure!
S1D 10 Job-listing Job-Pack $359.00

With this selection, you have 18 months to place 10 independent job ads. Save a bunch and have 10 open, independent job listings on Sail1Design!

Subscription Plans for Posting Multiple Jobs
5-Job Subscription Package on Sail1Design $399.00

Do you have changing needs, and want to be able to edit and re-post new ads over the course of a year? This option is a lot more fluid than the Job Pack. It allows employers to have up to 5 jobs running at any time during the subscription start/end date. You can have 5 running, stop one, and run a new one as long as you don’t exceed 5 running at the same time. This subscription is open for one full year!

This package includes featured ads, and for the tactical it allows jobs to continually be re-sent to the top of our busy job board list!

S1D 10-Job Subscription Option $649.00

Have changing needs and want to be flexible with your ads? This option is a little more fluid than the Job Pack. It allows employers to have up to 10 jobs running at any time during the subscription start/end date. You can have 10 running, stop one, and run a new one as long as you don’t exceed 10 running at the same time. The 10 Job Subscription runs for 12 months!

US Sailing Member 5-Job Subscription Package on Sail1Design $390.00

Do you have changing needs, and want to be able to edit and re-post new ads over the course of a year? This option is a lot more fluid than the Job Pack. It allows employers to have up to 5 jobs running at any time during the subscription start/end date. You can have 5 running, stop one, and run a new one as long as you don’t exceed 5 running at the same time. This subscription is open for one full year!

Individual Job Posting Plans
S1D Professional Job Consulting Package $999.00

With this package, you get the Sail1Design team's vast experience to help you locate the right candidates. It is a recurring $599 per 3 months, renewed every three months until a candidate is named. This package is designed for full-time professional positions.

  • S1D Employment/Career Center Consultant on call for consultation with exclusive access. Discuss with you your goals, and timing. Sail1Design has 35 years of sailing management/coaching/consulting experience, and the right connections to make a difference for your hiring needs.
  • Help edit/improve your Job ad. We listen to you, and work very hard to find a candidate that will work for your unique needs, hopes, and expectations.
  • Work to produce candidates for interview
  • Consult with you on candidates background and potential
  • Job ad will be placed in our featured section on our job home page exclusively, and consistently
ULTIMATE Job Ad $259.00
This is our most comprehensive job ad package. If you want no-holds barred, break-neck quick exposure, this is an unbeatable plan. Sail1Design will:
  • Post your ad as FEATURED in its category for the life of the ad.
  • The Ad will stay ACTIVE for 150 days.
  • We will write a dedicated Airwaves article/link, featuring your organization/company/club. This will really promote your ad
  • Your ad will be featured on our social media, including Linked In, Facebook, and Twitter and Instagram
Turbo Featured 100 Day Job Ad $99.00
The Turbo Featured ad features all of the benefits of the regular featured ad, with the following upgraded benefits:
  • SOCIAL MEDIA BLITZ. We will promote your ad, specifically, to our social media outlets, including Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Expect 20-30% additional exposure.
  • Your ad will run on Sail1Design for a full 100 days!
Featured 100 Day Job Ad on Sail1Design $74.00
Featured jobs get 40% more views, and are prominently displayed on the job bank home page in the featured ad section. Depending on the number of featured ads, they rotate automatically each time the web page is visited, but featured ads are guaranteed more visits. Let people know you want the best candidates; feature your job and get results.
Featured jobs also are active for 100 days, more than the regular ad.
Regular 90 Day Job Ad $49.00

This ad will run continuously on Sail1Design for 90 days. You are allowed ten photos, a video, and a URL link to your organization's website. 

Basic, "Try Us Out" Listing $34.00
With this ad package, you will get 20 days on Sail1Design's Job bank, and 2 photos to place with your ad . If you are new to Sail1Design, maybe you'd like to try out our system at a lower cost. This option could be good for you.
Includes company logo and link to your website.
Sailing Crew Needed $35.00
Here you can post an ad for crew needed for your boat, team, etc.
US Sailing Member ULTIMATE Job Ad $229.00
This is our most comprehensive job ad package. If you want no-holds barred, break-neck quick exposure, this is an unbeatable plan. For the ULTIMATE, Sail1Design will:
  • Post your ad as FEATURED in its category for the life of the ad
  • The Ad will stay ACTIVE until the job is placed. No ad-run time limit!
  • Send to the employer a Free Resume search coupon good for 30 days!
  • We will write a dedicated Airwaves article, featuring your organization/company/club, and along with it describe your job opening in detail
  • Your ad will be featured on our social media, including Linked In, Facebook, and Twitter
US Sailing Member Discount 90 Day Job Posting $41.00
US Sailing members receive a 15% discount!
You MUST enter your active, valid US Sailing Member number to qualify for this rate. Your member number will be validated to ensure updated membership.
US Sailing Member Featured 100 Day Job Ad $56.00
US Sailing Members receive 15% discount. You must include your active, valid US Sailing Member number to qualify for this discount. Your member number will be validated to ensure updated membership.
Featured jobs get 40% more views, and are prominently displayed on the job bank home page in the featured ad section. Depending on the number of featured ads, they rotate automatically each time the web page is visited, but featured ads are guaranteed more visits. Let people know you want the best candidates; feature your job and get results.
Featured jobs also are active for 100 days, more than the regular ad.
US Sailing Member Turbo Featured Job Ad $84.00
US Sailing Members must include a valid, active member number to qualify.
The Turbo Featured ad features all of the benefits of the regular featured ad, with the following upgraded benefits:
  • SOCIAL MEDIA BLITZ. We will promote your ad, specifically, to our social media outlets, including Facebook and Twitter. Expect 20-30% additional exposure.
  • Your ad will run on Sail1Design for a full 100 days!
Resume Searching Plans
One Year Resume Search $79.00
Search our resume database for one year, unlimited.
Resume Search - 10 Days $14.00
Resume Search - 30 Days $24.00
Resume Search - 30 Days. You can search our job seeker resume database as often as you like for 30 days.

Pricing Plans for Job Seekers

Subscription Plans for Posting Multiple Resumes
Resume Subscription $199.00
1 year subscription includes up to 25 featured resumes, 10 photos, video and link to your website.
Individual Resume Posting Plans
Featured Resume $25.00
Get your name and experience out there! 
1 year featured resume, includes 10 photos, includes URL, video, featured placement.
Standard Resume-4 Months $10.00
Standard non-featured resume. Your resume will be posted for 4 months. Includes CV upload, & private and secure contact information.
Free Trial $0.00
Submit your resume for 25 Days for free