10/11/2023  Airwaves Editor
Sachem's Head Yacht Club (SHYC) is located on the beautiful Connecticut shore of Long Island Sound, in Guilford, Connecticut. SHYC's JR Sailing Program is a successful, long-running sailing program with approximately 90 sailors from ages 6 to 16. The JR program’s strengths are in fostering a love of sailing and respect for the water, teaching sailing and seamanship, and training kids for youth racing and travel regattas. Our waterfront includes launch service from sunrise to sunset, 6 club owned 420, 6 RS Fevas, OpenBICs, 1 club owned Sonar, privately owned Optis. Our club has active racing fleets of Opti, Opti Green, RS Fevas, Sonars, and Lasers.
For more information and to apply please see our FULL JOB AD HERE